Title: Dakar to St Louis
Dates: 15th - 18th October GPS:
Distance: 250km Total Distance: 250km
Roads: Good paved road
Weather: Strong Atlantic cross winds
With just over two months to go before the team sets off for Dakar, the many different facets of organising this project are coming together well. But there is still sooo much to do – logistics, sponsorship, partner organisations, publicity, education programme, documentary, organising equipment and communications, fitness and health, website…and trying to get some sleep! The start date may have been put back a couple of weeks (the vehicle won’t be ready for the start of October), but this will give us much needed extra time to be better prepared. We’ve made some exciting new contacts which are going to further enrich the story we plan to create and help with security in some regions. Sponsors are coming on board, however due to a few extra costs, we are still approximately $30K short. The main outstanding items required / costs to be covered are: communications, flights and freight, insurance and camera equipment. Please click on the icons to view the promotional video and route plan.
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I can’t wait to see the final documentary and video footage you produce. What an absolutely fascinating opportunity. I wish the whole team a successful journey.